Agentic AI and Problem Solving: Transforming Industries

Agentic AI is reshaping industries, from healthcare to energy, with smarter, sustainable solutions. Discover how this breakthrough empowers leaders for informed decisions that shape our future.

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June 17, 2024

June 17, 2024

TL;DR: Imagine a near future where AI transforms key industries, making our world more efficient and sustainable. Agentic AI—with its ability to Plan and Reason in specific domains—is at the heart of this transformation. Delve into how this technology is pushing beyond the boundaries of traditional AI. Discover the impact of Agentic AI on sectors from healthcare to energy, and see how it’s paving the way for CxOs to make smarter, more informed decisions that could shape the future of our planet.

What Is Agentic AI?

Picture this: a not-so-distant future where AI is the new backbone of manufacturing, logistics, and energy. Efficiency soars. Sustainability becomes the norm. Factories self-tune to slash waste and ramp up output. Supply chains flex, in real-time, dodging delays and trimming costs. Energy grids smartly juggle demand and supply, slicing carbon footprints down to size. These advancements, driven by the emerging field of Agentic AI, aim to enhance industrial efficiency, positively affect everyday life, making goods more affordable, transport more reliable, and energy cleaner. 

Yann LeCun shines a light on where AI falls short. “LLMs,” he says, “fall short in reasoning and planning.” But there's a beacon of progress: Aitomatic’s SSAs. They’re not just a step but a leap toward smarter AI, blurring the lines between high-tech dreams and our daily lives.

Enter “Agentic AI”: a game-changer that marries precision with efficiency. It’s built for the intricate, its prowess in planning and reasoning set to broaden AI’s horizons. Solutions become refined, honed—designed to master complexity effortlessly.

Planning & Reasoning in Agentic AI

Agentic AI pushes boundaries, granting systems the autonomy to resolve decisions and challenges. Aitomatic’s SSAs stand out—not just algorithms but masters of their domain. With LLMs woven into their core, they navigate complex scenarios with ease.

Let’s examine how SSAs utilize advanced planning and reasoning to enhance AI capabilities, providing targeted solutions for complex problems.


Conceived by Colonel John Boyd, the OODA loop cuts through hesitation. Observe. Orient. Decide. Act. It’s the jet-fighter’s creed for survival and victory. Quick, sharp decisions cut through the chaos of combat. Now, imagine this: SSA harnesses that same loop. SSAs, ever-vigilant, assess, interpret, and pivot. Swift. Seamless. Adapting in real-time.

The OODA Reasoning Loop


HTP, or Hierarchical Task Planning, artfully breaks down daunting tasks into bite-sized pieces. Strategy at its finest. SSAs adopt this, moving with the precision of a chess master. Each move, deliberate. Each step, closer to the objective.

Hierarchical Task Planning

The integration of planning and reasoning in Agentic AI contributes to its problem-solving potential, offering valuable tools for specific industries. Planning allows these AI systems to map out future actions based on current data, breaking complex problems down into simpler tasks. Reasoning, on the other hand, equips the AI with the ability to analyze and interpret complex situations, making sense of diverse data inputs to arrive at logical decisions. Together, these capabilities ensure that Agentic AI can respond swiftly and effectively to changing environments, making it an invaluable asset in sectors where the stakes are high and the need for adaptability and precision in decision-making is paramount. This advanced functionality transforms Agentic AI into a pivotal tool for navigating the complexities of modern industries, from healthcare to energy, where its ability to think, plan, and act autonomously can drive innovation and efficiency to new heights.

Real-World Impact of Agentic AI

Agentic AI is revolutionizing industries, led by the prowess of SSAs in semiconductors and energy. Precision and efficiency are now benchmarks, not just goals. With their deep insights, SSAs eclipse traditional AI, driving industries toward smarter, more decisive operations.

Domain-Specific Agents Built on Top of a Hierarchy of Foundation Models
In the Semiconductor Industry

Process engineering is a critical component that benefits significantly from Agentic AI. SSAs are integral to optimizing atomic layer deposition (ALD) and plasma etching processes, which are vital for the production of high-quality semiconductor devices. By analyzing real-time data on gas flows, temperature, pressure, and power settings, alongside metrological observations, SSAs ensure optimal conditions for each step of the semiconductor fabrication process. This level of precision in managing the manufacturing parameters leads to improved yield rates, uniformity, and material properties, directly impacting the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of semiconductor production.

In the Energy Sector

With oil & gas, plant operational management has seen transformative changes due to Agentic AI. SSAs play a crucial role in managing the complex operations of energy plants, from optimizing the throughput of refineries to ensuring the safety and reliability of energy production. By continuously monitoring sensor data and operational metrics, SSAs predict maintenance needs, adjust operational parameters to prevent downtime, and ensure that energy production meets demand without excess waste. This proactive management approach not only enhances the operational efficiency of energy plants but also significantly reduces the risk of accidents and environmental harm.

In Healthcare

Beyond industrial applications, Agentic AI could revolutionize personalized medicine, a field of increasing importance to the public. Imagine an SSA system that tailors cancer treatment plans to individual patients by analyzing genetic data, medical histories, and real-time responses to various treatments. This Agentic AI could dynamically adjust treatment protocols, identify the most effective drug combinations, and even predict patient responses to specific therapies. Such personalized approaches could significantly increase treatment efficacy, reduce side effects, and ultimately improve patient outcomes in cancer care, demonstrating Agentic AI’s capability to address deeply personal and complex health challenges.

These specific applications illustrate the powerful role of Agentic AI in providing dynamic, tailored solutions to the sophisticated challenges encountered in the semiconductor and energy sectors. Through the strategic use of SSAs, these industries not only witness enhanced operational efficiency and safety but also move towards achieving their sustainability and environmental goals.

Empowering the Industrial Future with Agentic AI 

Agentic AI’s rise aligns with major tech trends, answering the growing demand for smarter AI and semiconductors. SSAs, adept in model compression and specialization, meet this need head-on, marking Agentic AI's critical role in shaping the future of technology.

2024: The Year of Agentic AI and Strategic Innovation

2024 marks a watershed moment for AI. Agentic AI is rising, poised to redefine the tech landscape. This year, we’re seeing an infusion of domain-specific smarts into AI, a true game-changer. As America re-industrializes, and similar waves ripple globally, the thirst for AI that can conquer complexity has never been greater.

CxOs must explore domain-specific Agentic AI, moving beyond general models like ChatGPT, to lead in the evolving landscape. As industries evolve at an unprecedented pace, fueled by the reindustrialization of economies and the strategic reimagining of global supply chains, the ability to adapt, plan, and reason autonomously becomes not just advantageous but essential.

To compete and excel in this new era, it is crucial for leaders to:

  1. Investigate and Understand Agentic AI: Begin with a thorough investigation into how Agentic AI technologies like OpenSSA can address specific challenges within your industry. This understanding is foundational for identifying opportunities where domain-specific AI agents can drive significant value.
  2. Prioritize Domain-Specific Solutions: Focus on developing or adopting Agentic AI solutions that are tailored to the unique needs and challenges of your domain. The specificity of these solutions ensures they are directly aligned with your strategic objectives, offering competitive advantages that generic AI models cannot match.
  3. Strategize for the Long Term: Integrating Agentic AI into your business is not just about solving today’s problems but about positioning your company for future success. Strategic planning should consider how Agentic AI will shape your industry in the coming years and how your organization can lead that transformation.
Why This Matters

As 2024 unfolds, adopting Agentic AI into your strategic playbook is what will set the leaders apart from the pack. The shift towards planning and reasoning capabilities in AI is not merely a technological upgrade but a strategic imperative that will define the next frontier of competitive advantage. As a CTO from a major NYSE-listed industrial firm recently said to me about Agentic AI, “We’re now seeing a clear opportunity and risk for seismic change that will rearrange the value chain of our industry. This is far beyond just using chatbots for better productivity.”

TL;DR: Imagine a near future where AI transforms key industries, making our world more efficient and sustainable. Agentic AI—with its ability to Plan and Reason in specific domains—is at the heart of this transformation. Delve into how this technology is pushing beyond the boundaries of traditional AI. Discover the impact of Agentic AI on sectors from healthcare to energy, and see how it’s paving the way for CxOs to make smarter, more informed decisions that could shape the future of our planet.

What Is Agentic AI?

Picture this: a not-so-distant future where AI is the new backbone of manufacturing, logistics, and energy. Efficiency soars. Sustainability becomes the norm. Factories self-tune to slash waste and ramp up output. Supply chains flex, in real-time, dodging delays and trimming costs. Energy grids smartly juggle demand and supply, slicing carbon footprints down to size. These advancements, driven by the emerging field of Agentic AI, aim to enhance industrial efficiency, positively affect everyday life, making goods more affordable, transport more reliable, and energy cleaner. 

Yann LeCun shines a light on where AI falls short. “LLMs,” he says, “fall short in reasoning and planning.” But there's a beacon of progress: Aitomatic’s SSAs. They’re not just a step but a leap toward smarter AI, blurring the lines between high-tech dreams and our daily lives.

Enter “Agentic AI”: a game-changer that marries precision with efficiency. It’s built for the intricate, its prowess in planning and reasoning set to broaden AI’s horizons. Solutions become refined, honed—designed to master complexity effortlessly.

Planning & Reasoning in Agentic AI

Agentic AI pushes boundaries, granting systems the autonomy to resolve decisions and challenges. Aitomatic’s SSAs stand out—not just algorithms but masters of their domain. With LLMs woven into their core, they navigate complex scenarios with ease.

Let’s examine how SSAs utilize advanced planning and reasoning to enhance AI capabilities, providing targeted solutions for complex problems.


Conceived by Colonel John Boyd, the OODA loop cuts through hesitation. Observe. Orient. Decide. Act. It’s the jet-fighter’s creed for survival and victory. Quick, sharp decisions cut through the chaos of combat. Now, imagine this: SSA harnesses that same loop. SSAs, ever-vigilant, assess, interpret, and pivot. Swift. Seamless. Adapting in real-time.

The OODA Reasoning Loop


HTP, or Hierarchical Task Planning, artfully breaks down daunting tasks into bite-sized pieces. Strategy at its finest. SSAs adopt this, moving with the precision of a chess master. Each move, deliberate. Each step, closer to the objective.

Hierarchical Task Planning

The integration of planning and reasoning in Agentic AI contributes to its problem-solving potential, offering valuable tools for specific industries. Planning allows these AI systems to map out future actions based on current data, breaking complex problems down into simpler tasks. Reasoning, on the other hand, equips the AI with the ability to analyze and interpret complex situations, making sense of diverse data inputs to arrive at logical decisions. Together, these capabilities ensure that Agentic AI can respond swiftly and effectively to changing environments, making it an invaluable asset in sectors where the stakes are high and the need for adaptability and precision in decision-making is paramount. This advanced functionality transforms Agentic AI into a pivotal tool for navigating the complexities of modern industries, from healthcare to energy, where its ability to think, plan, and act autonomously can drive innovation and efficiency to new heights.

Real-World Impact of Agentic AI

Agentic AI is revolutionizing industries, led by the prowess of SSAs in semiconductors and energy. Precision and efficiency are now benchmarks, not just goals. With their deep insights, SSAs eclipse traditional AI, driving industries toward smarter, more decisive operations.

Domain-Specific Agents Built on Top of a Hierarchy of Foundation Models
In the Semiconductor Industry

Process engineering is a critical component that benefits significantly from Agentic AI. SSAs are integral to optimizing atomic layer deposition (ALD) and plasma etching processes, which are vital for the production of high-quality semiconductor devices. By analyzing real-time data on gas flows, temperature, pressure, and power settings, alongside metrological observations, SSAs ensure optimal conditions for each step of the semiconductor fabrication process. This level of precision in managing the manufacturing parameters leads to improved yield rates, uniformity, and material properties, directly impacting the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of semiconductor production.

In the Energy Sector

With oil & gas, plant operational management has seen transformative changes due to Agentic AI. SSAs play a crucial role in managing the complex operations of energy plants, from optimizing the throughput of refineries to ensuring the safety and reliability of energy production. By continuously monitoring sensor data and operational metrics, SSAs predict maintenance needs, adjust operational parameters to prevent downtime, and ensure that energy production meets demand without excess waste. This proactive management approach not only enhances the operational efficiency of energy plants but also significantly reduces the risk of accidents and environmental harm.

In Healthcare

Beyond industrial applications, Agentic AI could revolutionize personalized medicine, a field of increasing importance to the public. Imagine an SSA system that tailors cancer treatment plans to individual patients by analyzing genetic data, medical histories, and real-time responses to various treatments. This Agentic AI could dynamically adjust treatment protocols, identify the most effective drug combinations, and even predict patient responses to specific therapies. Such personalized approaches could significantly increase treatment efficacy, reduce side effects, and ultimately improve patient outcomes in cancer care, demonstrating Agentic AI’s capability to address deeply personal and complex health challenges.

These specific applications illustrate the powerful role of Agentic AI in providing dynamic, tailored solutions to the sophisticated challenges encountered in the semiconductor and energy sectors. Through the strategic use of SSAs, these industries not only witness enhanced operational efficiency and safety but also move towards achieving their sustainability and environmental goals.

Empowering the Industrial Future with Agentic AI 

Agentic AI’s rise aligns with major tech trends, answering the growing demand for smarter AI and semiconductors. SSAs, adept in model compression and specialization, meet this need head-on, marking Agentic AI's critical role in shaping the future of technology.

2024: The Year of Agentic AI and Strategic Innovation

2024 marks a watershed moment for AI. Agentic AI is rising, poised to redefine the tech landscape. This year, we’re seeing an infusion of domain-specific smarts into AI, a true game-changer. As America re-industrializes, and similar waves ripple globally, the thirst for AI that can conquer complexity has never been greater.

CxOs must explore domain-specific Agentic AI, moving beyond general models like ChatGPT, to lead in the evolving landscape. As industries evolve at an unprecedented pace, fueled by the reindustrialization of economies and the strategic reimagining of global supply chains, the ability to adapt, plan, and reason autonomously becomes not just advantageous but essential.

To compete and excel in this new era, it is crucial for leaders to:

  1. Investigate and Understand Agentic AI: Begin with a thorough investigation into how Agentic AI technologies like OpenSSA can address specific challenges within your industry. This understanding is foundational for identifying opportunities where domain-specific AI agents can drive significant value.
  2. Prioritize Domain-Specific Solutions: Focus on developing or adopting Agentic AI solutions that are tailored to the unique needs and challenges of your domain. The specificity of these solutions ensures they are directly aligned with your strategic objectives, offering competitive advantages that generic AI models cannot match.
  3. Strategize for the Long Term: Integrating Agentic AI into your business is not just about solving today’s problems but about positioning your company for future success. Strategic planning should consider how Agentic AI will shape your industry in the coming years and how your organization can lead that transformation.
Why This Matters

As 2024 unfolds, adopting Agentic AI into your strategic playbook is what will set the leaders apart from the pack. The shift towards planning and reasoning capabilities in AI is not merely a technological upgrade but a strategic imperative that will define the next frontier of competitive advantage. As a CTO from a major NYSE-listed industrial firm recently said to me about Agentic AI, “We’re now seeing a clear opportunity and risk for seismic change that will rearrange the value chain of our industry. This is far beyond just using chatbots for better productivity.”

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